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Dont Lay Your all Income and Traffic in One Basket

Don't lay all your eggs in one basket. If the basket breaks or gets damaged you will loose all your eggs in one shot. Read the above sentence once again and sink it in your brain. It could probably save your internet business. Let me give you detailed explaination of the same.

Let us assume that you are promoting xyz affiliate program and putting all your efforts to drive traffic to that program. After few months or years you start making a consistent income of $2000 from just one affiliate program. You are extremely satisfied with the income you are making and suddenly one morning you check out your affiliate program and you see a page that this program does not exist any more for some strange reason. You have lost everything instantly. Years of efforts and your income is back to ZERO. Let me give you another example.

Let us assume that you have put tremendous efforts in getting top ranking for your site when someone searches for keyword 'internet marketing' on google. You put months and years of efforts to get high ranking and finally you have achieved it. You are receiving thousands of visitors to your site from this single keyword. Suddenly out of the blue moon google shows another dance. Google changes its formula and algorithm to rank websites. How shocking this news would be.

Your site suddenly slips from page 1 to page 5672 and your traffic is back to ZERO. I am sure now you agree when I say don't lay all your eggs in one basket. Rather focus on multiple streams. Instead of focussing on promoting one affiliate program and driving all your traffic out there, you can create your own website, start collecting leads and promote multiple affiliate programs in your ecourse and your newsletter. Create a content site and promote multiple affiliate programs out there in different related categories.

Instead of putting all your efforts in getting top ranking for a certain keyword, put your efforts in getting links to your site from multiple places. This will not only help you in getting high ranking but also help you in getting traffic from your link partners. You can easily do this by spreading articles and exchanging your RSS feeds with other blogs and website owners. Whatever you do, donot put your business on RISK by focussing on just one source. Divert your efforts in multiple sources, if you do this even if one source shuts down you are safe and sound as hundreds of other doors are open.

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